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Provozovna Castella Bistro & Cukrárna
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Vyberte si doručení v provozu
Castella Bistro & Cukrárna
Kodaňská 649/20, Praha, 101 00

Otevírací doba:
Po: 11:00-23:00
Ut: 11:00-23:00
St: 11:00-23:00
Št: 11:00-23:00
Pi: 11:00-23:00
So: 11:00-23:00
Ne: 11:00-23:00

Min.košík: 0 Kč

Aktualní nabídka / Denní menu:

1. French tacos M
grilled tortilla filled with french fries, cheese and meat of course you can customize it by adding different cheese/meat/veggies 💙
Cena: 189,00  Kč
Objednať French tacos M
2. French tacos L
grilled tortilla filled with french fries, cheese and meat 2x of course you can customize it by adding different cheese/meat/veggies 💙
Cena: 220,00  Kč
Objednať French tacos L
3. Classic Smash
beef (70 g), ketchup, mustard, onions, american cheese, pickles customize it by adding more ingredients 💙
Cena: 120,00  Kč
Objednať Classic Smash
4. Double Smash
double portion of meat (140 g) and cheddar
Cena: 185,00  Kč
Objednať Double Smash
5. Tripple smash
triple portion of meat (210 g) and cheddar
Cena: 230,00  Kč
Objednať Tripple smash
6. Castella Smash
double smash + merguez+ caramelized onion
Cena: 249,00  Kč
Objednať Castella Smash
7. Touareg Smash
double smash + merguez + keftaji ( fried vegetables, fried eggs flavoured with special spices)
Cena: 270,00  Kč
Objednať Touareg Smash
8. Coca-Cola 330ml
Cena: 50,00  Kč
Objednať Coca-Cola 330ml
9. Fanta 330ml
Cena: 50,00  Kč
Objednať Fanta 330ml
10. Kinley - tonic water 0,33 l
Cena: 60,00  Kč
Objednať Kinley - tonic water 0,33 l
11. IceTea
Cena: 60,00  Kč
Objednať IceTea
12. Red Bull 0,25 l
Cena: 80,00  Kč
Objednať Red Bull 0,25 l
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